BOOB JOBS AREN'T JUST ABOUT THE SIZE OF THE BREAST. Some people have issues with their areolas...
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Breast Lift
Is A Breast Implant Removal And Lift Right For You?
Breast implants were all the rage 20 years ago. Small-breasted women across the country ran to...
What looks best aesthetically? Do I need implants as well for a lift/reduction?
The first question I ask all my patients is, "what size are you and what size do you want to be?"....
Sagging from past breast reduction. Would I be a good breast lift candidate?
The answer for most women is yes. My liposuction breast lift/reduction known as Breast LipoLift®...
Can fat be removed from breasts with a “donut” mastopexy to minimize scarring?
The answer is yes. My liposuction breast lift/reduction known as Breast LipoLift® is the answer...
38 y/o, 3 kids. What type of breast lift to get rid of creepy skin?
I perform a liposuction breast lift/reduction known as Breast LipoLift®. This specialized...
Best surgery option for 24-year-old with extremely saggy breasts?
Most women with this complaint would benefit from a breast lift and possible reduction to get a...
Can a donut mastopexy correct tubular, tuberous or constricted breasts?
Constricted or tubular breasts tend to be too narrow with a breast crease that is too high. Tight...
I am 24, 5’5” with 40F breasts. Am I a candidate for a breast reduction/lift?
These are women who are usually great candidates for a breast reduction. I perform a liposuction...
My boobs are wide but are flat after breast reduction & I do not have cleavage
This is a very common problem when an inferior pedicle breast reduction is performed. The tissue...
Is there a way to do a partial lift and then more lifts as the years go by?
Some women will say my breasts have not begun to sag yet. But I am halfway through my twenties and...
Would a Benelli/Donut lift be good for constricted or tuberous breasts?
If you have a constricted breast, the nipples are being pulled down and the bottom is flattened....